Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Les Séparés by Marceline Desbordes-Valmore

N'écris pas - Je suis triste, et je voudrais m'éteindre
Les beaux étés sans toi, c'est la nuit sans flambeau
J'ai refermé mes bras qui ne peuvent t'atteindre,
Et frapper à mon coeur, c'est frapper au tombeau
N'écris pas !
N'écris pas - N'apprenons qu'à mourir à nous-mêmes
Ne demande qu'à Dieu ... qu'à toi, si je t'aimais !
Au fond de ton silence écouter que tu m'aimes,
C'est entendre le ciel sans y monter jamais
N'écris pas !
N'écris pas - Je te crains; j'ai peur de ma mémoire;
Elle a gardé ta voix qui m'appelle souvent
Ne montre pas l'eau vive à qui ne peut la boire
Une chère écriture est un portrait vivant
N'écris pas !
N'écris pas ces mots doux que je n'ose plus lire :
Il semble que ta voix les répand sur mon coeur;
Et que je les vois brûler à travers ton sourire;
Il semble qu'un baiser les empreint sur mon coeur
N'écris pas ! 

Do not write - I am sad and just wish to expire.
Lovely summers without you are but a dark night.
I have closed up my arms, which can no more reach you,
And to strike at my heart is to strike at the grave.
Do not write!
Do not write - Let us learn for ourselves how to die.
Ask only God... and to yourself if I loved you!
In your absence's depth to hear that you love me
Is to hear heaven without ever getting there.
Do not write!
Do not write - I fear you, and too my memory;
It keeps the voice that calls often to me.
Do not show one running water who cannot drink.
A dear handwritten word is like a live portrait.
Do not write!
Do not write me sweet words I no longer dare read.
It seems your voice spreads them upon my heart
And that I see them searing through your smile,
It seems a kiss imprints them on my heart.
Do not write!
Do not write - Let us learn for ourselves how to die.
Ask only God... and to yourself if I loved you!
In your absence's depth to hear that you love me
Is to hear heaven without ever getting there.
Do not write!
Do not write - I fear you, and too my memory;
It keeps the voice that calls often to me.
Do not show one running water who cannot drink.
A dear handwritten word is like a live portrait.
Do not write!
Do not write me sweet words I no longer dare read.
It seems your voice spreads them upon my heart
And that I see them searing through you

Monday, December 12, 2011

. .

In No Particular Order

Le Vase Brisé by Sully Prudhomme

Le vase où meurt cette vervaine
D'un coup d'éventail fut fêlé ;
Le coup dut effleurer à peine,
Aucun bruit ne l'a révélé.
Mais la plus légère meurtrissure,
Mordant le cristal chaque jour,
D'une marche invisible et sûre
En a fait lentement le tour.

Son eau fraîche a fui goutte à goutte,
Le suc des fleurs s'est épuisé ;
Personne encore ne s'en doute,
N'y touchez pas, il est brisé.
Souvent aussi la main qu'on aime,
Effleurant le coeur, le meurtrit ;
Puis le coeur se fend de lui-même,
La fleur de son amour périt ;
Toujours intact aux yeux du monde,
Il sent croître et pleurer tout bas
Sa blessure fine et profonde ;
Il est brisé, n'y touchez pas.


The Fissured Vase

This vase wherein the vervain dies
A fan's light touch left a crack fine.
Soft blow it was to all the eyes,
And made no noise one would divine. 

Yet slight as is the little bruise,
It gnaws at its crystal each day.
Unseen but sure in its slow cruise
Around the vase it makes its way. 

Fresh water leaves in dribs and aught,
The flowers' soul will expire soon.
Though none has yet to suspect naught,
Touch not the vase for it's in ruin.

Thus often when the hand you love
Strokes light the heart yet breaks it so,
The heart shatters on its blest love,
The flower dies of its love's woe. 

It looks whole to the world outside,
Yet feels the growth, and softly cries,
Of its wound deep and fine inside.

It is injured, touch not the vase.

Les Yeux by Sully Prudhomme

Bleus ou noirs, tous aimés, tous beaux,
Des yeux sans nombre ont vu l'aurore ;
Ils dorment au fond des tombeaux,
Et le soleil se lève encore.
Les nuits plus douces que les jours,
Ont enchanté des yeux sans nombre ;
Les étoiles brillent toujours,
Et les yeux se sont remplis d'ombre.
Oh ! qu'ils aient perdu le regard,
Non, non, cela n'est pas possible
Ils se sont tournés quelque part,
Vers ce qu'on nomme l'invisible.
Et comme les astres penchants
Nous quittent, mais au ciel demeurent,
Les prunelles ont leurs couchants,
Mais il n'est pas vrai qu'elles meurent :
Bleus ou noirs, tous aimés, tous beaux,
Ouverts à quelque immense aurore,
De l'autre côté des tombeaux
Les yeux qu'on ferme voient encore. 

The Eyes
Blue or black, all adored and fair,
The countless eyes that saw the dawn!
Now rest in peace deep in their lair
While the sun still rises beyon'.
The nights than days are sweeter still
Have delighted the eyes countless.
The stars will always shine at will
And yet the eyes filled with darkness.
O that they have all lost their sight!
But no, no! That just cannot be.
They simply must have turned aside
Towards a place no one can see.
And though the stars will sure decline
In yonder sky they still remain.
The eyeballs fall in sleep supine
Yet always will their life regain.
Blue, black, all beautiful and loved,
And open to some dawn behold,
Beyond the grave the eyes beloved
That death has closed will never fold.

A Few New Changes

I'm combining my two blogs to see if I can get a few more views going :) my other blog Hello Darling, has been somewhat popular but not as popular as I would like. Hopefully it works!!

More Kitchen Pictures :)

Backsplashes :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole

Let's get physical :)

So I've decided that it's time to lose a little bit of weight. I am 149 lbs and I want to reach 115 or 120 by March next year :)
So I will workout 5 days a week for 45 minutes and start changing up my diet a little bit :)
I've started by switching my drinks to water and no calorie, no sugar, flavored carbonated water.
I'm not eating out as much, I'm eating less bread and pasta, And I'm eating smaller amounts a few times a day to keep up my metabolism.
:) Hopefully this works!! I want to be back to a size 7 in jeans instead of 9's or 11's

More Pictures!!

How Cool Is This?

:) :)